Durante estos días en los que vuestro profesor de Inglés estará fuera, vosotros tenéis algunas tareas por hacer:
En primer lugar, debéis contestar los ejercicios que os dejé fotocopiados, y que tendréis que entregar el lunes 26.
En segundo lugar, debéis repasar el vocabulario "Classroom Language" y "Question words".
En tercer lugar, aquí os dejo algunos enlaces a ejercicios online relacionados con el Presente Simple, para que los contestéis en clase, si funcionan los ordenadores, o en casa. Cuando hayáis terminado estos ejercicios, debéis dejar un comentario con vuestra opinión sobre ellos en el blog, o bien enviarme vuestra opinión por correo electrónico a jesusledo@yahoo.es.
Last Saturday September 26 we celebrated the European Day of Languages 2009. In order to get more information on this topic you can click on the next link: http://europa.eu/languages/en/home
Click on START to play a game and learn the names of the different languages and countries in Europe
This is just the beginning of the year, and I'd like to invite you to use this blog to communicate with your teachers and other students. As you probably know, you can write comments at the bottom of this paragraph, and share your opinions or suggestions with the rest of the class.
I hope you like your new school, and that you can learn a lot here. This is how your journey begins...
UNIT 7: THE ORIGINAL MADAME TUSSAUD Activity: Visit every section of the museum and answer these questions. 1. What are the different sections you can find at the museum. 2. Name 10 famous people that you can see there. 3. Can you find the model of any Spanish people in the museum? 4. How much are the tickets? 5. How many of these museums are there in the world? Name them.
The Phantom of the Opera is the new Reader that we are going to deal with during the months of March and April. This is an abridged version, based on the French novel Le Fantôme de l'Opéra by Gaston Leroux . This is also the title of a famous stage musical, performed ininterrumptedly in London theatres since 1986. The music is composed by Andrew Lloyd Webber, and different film versions have been made. Here you can see and listen to one of the most famous songs in the musical.
Today at class, we have talked about "Helping the environment". Here you can find a lot of interestings tips to be more ecologically conscious. You can also do this test. Enjoy it. Antonia.
On Friday we are going to talk about insects. How much do you know about them? Click on the word "INSECTS" or the picture, and we will check your knowledge. Your science teacher will probably ask you how much you understood, so pay attention and learn as much as you can.
On 30th January we celebrate the School Peace and Non-violence Day, and we have been making our own origami paper cranes in the classroom. Paper cranes are considered a symbol of peace in many countries. Here is the result of our work.
Hello guys!!! I would like you to have a look at this website. We will talk about it next week. Have a nice weekend!! Olga (The best Physical Education teacher)
miércoles, 28 de enero de 2009
MATTER Do you want to play ?Here, it is a webquest about matter .Remember the ID worksheet number 83464.Try it.When you have all the answers , write them in a piece of paper and give it to me.
There are some possible activities we can do to commemorate this date:
In the first place, we will learn some facts about the life of Mohandas Gandhi, one of the founders of the Non-Violence movement.
Secondly, you will have to look for words of expressions related to Peace in the following wordsearch.
Finally, you will use a piece of paper and your own hands to create an Origami Peace Crane. for more information about its meaning and the folding instructions, click HERE. Or you may be interested in following the instructions on this animation.
Hogmanay is the Scots word for the last day of the year and is synonymous with the celebration of the New Year in the Scottish manner. The Hogmanay custom of singing "Auld Lang Syne" has become common in many countries. "Auld Lang Syne" is a traditional poem reinterpreted by Robert Burns, which was later set to music. It is now common for this to be sung in a circle of linked arms that are crossed over one another as the clock strikes midnight for New Year's Day.
For the full lyrics and meaning of "Auld Lang Syne" click HERE